giving thanks

Thank You to Our Veterans

Today is Veterans Day, and Americans take that opportunity to thank our men and women who serve in the Armed Forces.  Squeezed in between Halloween and Thanksgiving, it’s easy to overlook this special day.  But a little time, effort, and appreciation go a long way towards making our veterans feel appreciated.  If you need a …

Giving “Thanks”    

Thanksgiving is later this week. The recent, incredibly tragic events on the world stage remind us of life’s precious nature. This is the time of year that we remember and celebrate, with great fondness, the people and things that fill our lives with joy and our hearts with hope. At Mohawk, we are thankful for …

Quick and Easy Thanksgiving Fare

Thanksgiving is by far, one of my favorite holidays! It is a time to truly reflect on all of the blessings in our lives and to be grateful for what we have been given. It is also an excuse to spend all day with family members that you don’t see often enough, eat more food …

Thankful For…

On this Thanksgiving holiday, I feel so blessed to share with you what I am most thankful for… This crazy bunch I call mine… Hearth and home… The glorious colors of fall that finally made an appearance… New opportunities for growth and travel in the past year… And this reminder to be thankful in all …

Giving Thanks!

Giving back to the community in which I live is very important to me. Especially during this time of year as we get close to Thanksgiving. I like to think about how myself and my family can give back throughout the year. Habitat for Humanity of Atlanta is one of those ways to do just …

Special Touches to Give Thanks this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one my most favorite times of the year. For me it is sort of the official kickoff to family get-togethers, delicious meals, and a time to reflect on all the wonderful things we have to be thankful for.  Traditions develop and end up sticking around for years to come.  At my family Thanksgiving …