Mohawk Homescapes

Easy Weeknight Suppers

We’re already back in school here in Georgia, and I’m sure many of you will be soon, too.  And with the return to busy weeknights comes the struggle to put a tasty filling supper on the table.  I find myself tired of the same dishes and searching for fresh ideas to feed my crowd without …

Designing for Both Sexes

Remember that show “Designing for the Sexes”? Every week, the host would talk to a couple who was stuck in a decorating dilemma. The woman wanted one thing; the man wanted another. By the end of the episode, he had a design that both could love. So, how did he do that? How can you …

Displaying Collections

Are you a collector?  Collections are a wonderful way to put your unique signature on your home’s decor.  But displaying your treasures can be tricky.  Scattering them about can dilute their impact, so the rule of thumb is to keep them together for maximum effect.  It’s also easier to appreciate and enjoy your collection when …

Home Projects in Thirty Minutes or Less

Home projects can seem daunting. The bigger the project, the more time you know it will take. But if you have thirty minutes, you can improve your home! Here are five home projects that you can complete in thirty minutes or less – instant (almost) gratification! 1. Make custom curtains. No, I’m not kidding. You …

A Fourth of July Picnic

The 4th of July is a special time of the year when friends and family gather for hamburgers, hotdogs, popsicles, apple pie, and to celebrate everything American, red, white, and blue. While these famous classics are hard to beat for a Fourth of July picnic, trying something new and breaking away from the norm is …

Carve Out Your “Happy Place”

If you find yourself longing for a little “happy place” to call your own you have come to the right place.  Not every home can accommodate separate spaces to which one can retreat, but it is possible to carve out a little space that makes you happy.  Here are some creative ideas of just how …

Bringing the Beach to You: Ocean-Inspired Decor

Every summer, my family heads to the beach. We usually go the first week after school is out and it’s the best way to decompress from a busy school year. But this year we didn’t go, and I’m really missing the beach. I love its colors, its smell, the sand … all of its beauty. …

Father’s Day Favorites

One of the things I love about summertime is celebrating Father’s Day!  I’m so blessed to have a loving father, father-in-law, and husband that all exemplify fatherhood at its finest.  And while Father’s Day is more than just giving gifts to dad, the Father’s Day gift is a wonderful way to honor him.   How about …

Healthy Toddler Treats

This past weekend, we were blessed with a visit from my boyfriend’s little nephew.  At just a 1-1/2 years old, he hadn’t been back to our house since he started walking, babbling sweet toddler speak and exploring… everything!  And with all that excitement, he undoubtedly built up quite the healthy appetite, and I felt that …

Creamy, Dreamy Summer Snacks

When merely stepping outside starts to feel like you’re entering a sweltering sauna and you simply can’t fathom the idea of heating the oven to upwards of 300 degrees indoors, reach for one of these easy, breezy, cool and creamy summertime snack recipes!  Ranging from a nostalgic take on the famed Orange Julius to a …

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